In what came as a surprise to many, actor Hamza Ali Abbasi and wife Naimal Khawar Khan welcomed a baby boy into the world over the Eid period. The couple had decided to keep the news of her pregnancy under wraps and announced the good news over Eid. The actor took to Twitter to announce the news and also informed fans of his name; Muhammad Mustafa Abbasi.
“Allah has blessed me and Naimal with a baby boy, Muhammad Mustafa Abbasi. I pray that he becomes a grateful servant of Allah, a good, humble & honest human being and may Allah bless him in this life and the next. Please pray for us,” he wrote in his tweet. The tweet can be viewed here:
Allah has blessed me and Naimal with a baby boy, Muhammad Mustafa Abbasi. I pray that he becomes a grateful servant of Allah, a good, humble & honest human being and may Allah bless him in this life and the next. Please pray for us??
— Hamza Ali Abbasi (@iamhamzaabbasi) August 2, 2020
His wife, Naimal Khawar Khan took to her Instagram and shared the most beautiful picture with her baby boy. The picture shows baby Mustafa holding tightly onto her finger and our hearts are melting. “The most pure form of love ?? 30/07/2020,” she captioned the picture.
Soon after, Hamza Ali Abbasi too took to his Instagram account and shared the most adorable picture of the new arrival. The picture showed a close up of baby Mustafa Abbasi and we are in awe of this bundle of joy. The post was accompanied with his name as the caption.
Fans, friends and family flooded social media to send in their best wishes and congratulatory messages for the happy couple and their new arrival. We love how gracefully the couple kept the pregnancy under wraps and fans too acknowledged this. One fan took to the comments section of the post and wrote, “No baby showers no gender reveal. No hype. No pregnancy news and loooook. Surprise. What a pleasent surprise. Allah apne hifzo iman mai rakhen.”
The couple’s celebrity friends including the likes of Ayeza Khan, Aiman Khan, Areeba Habib, Sajal Aly, Momal Sheikh and others also took to the comments section to congratulate the couple and appreciate the arrival of the tiny tot. “MashALLAH. Bohat Bohat Mubarak,” Sajal Aly wrote. “Bohat bohat Mubarak ??????????,” said Aiman Khan, while Ayeza Khan wrote, “MashAllahhhhhh!.”
Here’s wishing the couple all the best for the next chapter in their lives.