Bollywood has witnessed a string of high-profile deaths this year. The legendary Irrfan Khan and veteran actor Rishi Kapoor passed away one day apart from each other in end April. Just when industry insiders were trying to come to terms with their loss, the ever-young Sushant Singh Rajput was found hanging from the ceiling of his Bandra apartment on June 14. The 34-year-old star left his fans and colleagues shaken. While many speculated different reasons that led to Sushant’s suicide, his father Krishna Kumar Singh, has now come forward and lodged a police complaint against his late son’s rumoured beau, Rhea Chakraborty on multiple grounds.
Krishna, a 74-year-old resident of Rajiv Nagar locality, Patna, also included the names of six other people alongside Rhea. The list also has some of Sushant’s family members on it. He filed the FIR at the Rajiv Nagar police station in Patna against Rhea and her family under the various sections of the Indian Penal Code (IPC), reported senior police officials. Due to his old age, Krishna revealed he would not be able to go to Mumbai to fight the case and hence chose Patna.
The case falls under various sections of IPC including 341 (punishment for wrongful restraint), 342 (punishment for wrongful confinement), 380 (theft in dwelling house), 406 (punishment for criminal breach of trust), 420 (cheating and dishonestly inducing delivery of property) and 306 (abetment of suicide) and 120(B).
Sushant’s father has levelled a bevy of allegations against Rhea, ranging from the missing of cash to gadgets and jewellery. Inspector General of Police, Patna Central Zone said, “Sushant’s father has made a serious charge against Rhea and her family. He has alleged that she had kept Sushant away from his family and completely in her possession. She was also handling his bank account. It was also reported that crores of rupees were withdrawn from his bank account.” Krishna accused Rhea for taking Sushant’s cash, jewellery, laptop, credit card, its PIN number and password and important documents including doctors’ receipts. “Sushant called his sister and told her that Rhea had threatened him to show doctor receipts to the media and would prove him mad. Thereafter, no person would give him work,” Krishna stated. The complaint continued, “On June 8 night, Sushant’s secretary Disha committed suicide. Rhea had appointed her as Sushant’s secretary. Later, Rhea blocked Sushant’s number on her cell. Sushant was afraid that Rhea could have made him responsible for his manager’s suicide as she had threatened to frame him in the secretary’s suicide case.” He concluded the “machinations” of Rhea and her family had caused his son to crack up, despite a successful career trajectory and ultimately drove him to suicide.