Popular artist Khalil-ur-Rehman Qamar, who has often landed in hot waters following his controversial remarks on social media, recently appeared on comedian-writer Vasay Chaudhry’s talk show Ghabrana Mana Hai. The star spilled the beans on several subjects, ranging from his response to Mahira Khan’s comment about him to receiving Bollywood offers to the artists whose work he takes great interest in and inspiration from. Here is everything Qamar revealed in the conversation:
On Mahira Khan
“I share a very respectful relation with Mahira Khan. I respect her a lot and the same was from her side. I was startled to see the tweet that she has written,” Qamar said, in response to the Raees star’s earlier tweet regarding him. “She could have called me personally and discuss about whatever she wanted too. If she had done this, then I would have probably responded to her in a good manner.”
Earlier, Mahira had taken to the micro-blogging site and panned, “I am shocked at what I have just heard and seen! Sick to the core. This same man who abused a woman on TV is revered and given project after project because of what? We are as much to blame if not more for perpetuating this thinking.”
On upcoming projects
“I have watched the Turkish drama series Ertugrul and I just love it. I have said this many times before too. Now, it’s high time we introduce our heroes to the public now,” mentioned Qamar, adding that the storyline of his forthcoming project will relate to Ertugrul, but of course, will not be a replication of it. “I never copy someone’s work. We are donated with Humayun Saeed as a hero of our country and he might portray the role of hero in this project too,” said Qamar.
On Bollywood offers
The veteran noted he has received a lot of offers from Bollywood. “I got a lot of offers from India. Six years ago, when I went to India for the first time, I realised that they offer every channel on their television screens except Pakistani channels. We Pakistani’s are not introduced to them.” He continued, “Mahesh Butt offered me to write a film and there were many others too, but I refused to write for them due to some reasons. I will not work for India until we Pakistanis get recognition there.”
On controversial comments
A dialogue from one of Qamar’s projects, Meray Paas Tum Ho, starring Humayun Saeed and Adnan Siddiqui, went viral last year over a controversial dialogue, which read, “To takke ki larki.” Speaking about the same on the show, Qaamr said, “We are honest to our work. The problem here is everyone understands English well but act like they don’t know Urdu. I always say that I generalise when I say ‘aurat’, not when I say ‘larki’. One girl doesn’t represent all and opportunists forget that. Here, I spoke specifically about a particular girl. A girl who has done wrong (like in the show) doesn’t represent all the women folk.”
On his inspirations
Listing names of renowned personalities whose work he admires and reads up on, Qamar said, “Faiza Iftikhar, Omera Ahmed, Vasay Chaudhry, Anwar Maqsood, Younus Javed, Amjad Islam Amjad, Bano Qudsia and Mustansar Hussain Tarar.”
Watch the full interview here: