Earlier this week, Prime Minister Imran Khan sparked an uproar on social media following his comments on sexual violence against women and children in Pakistan. During a Q&A session with the public, the premier said that an increase in rape cases pointed at the “consequences in any society where vulgarity is on the rise”, adding that “fahashi (vulgarity)” stands as the root cause for such criminal acts. “The incidents of rape of women have actually very rapidly increased in society,” Khan said, advising women to cover up and dress modestly in order to prevent temptation. “This entire concept of purdah is to avoid temptation, not everyone has the willpower to avoid it,” he added. Soon after, his ex-wife Jemima Goldsmith expressed disappointed in Khan’s words. Not only her but several Pakistani stars followed suit.
The latest personality to share his two cents on the subject is Hamza Ali Abbasi. Taking to Twitter, he wrote, “Random thought: In my personal understanding, God has made it clear in the Quran that sexual instinct is one of the most powerful instincts in both men and women. Hence, God emphasises on overall modesty and responsible behavior from both men and women, equally, in this particular area.”
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Abbasi added, “Speaking as a man, in my understanding of what I believe is literal speech of God, Quran, God has very clearly told all MEN who say they are Muslims that no matter what anyone is dressed like or behaves like, unconditionally lower your gaze and guard your modesty,” he added. While the Parwaaz Hai Junoon star did not condemn Khan openly, he did seem to disapprove of his comments. A user replied to Abbasi’s post with, “First, apply this on your wife. Don’t be a modest molvi. There is only one Islam. First follow then teach.” A composed Abbasi replied with, “She follows these verses to the best of her understanding and guards her gaze and private parts and dresses modestly and doesn’t expose her adornment. Alhumdulilah.”