The “Tere Bina Mein Nahi” Finale Leaves Us Wondering – What Was the Point?

With the finale of “Tere Bina Mein Nahi” raking in 1.6 views in two days, this is certainly a show which can be called a success.  However, what has the show actually achieved?  Starring Shehzad Sheikh, Aiza Awan and Sonya Hussyn in lead roles, the story has been written by Maha Malik and directed by Ali Masud Saeed.

When this show first started, the story focused on unconditional, undying love between Noor (Sonya Hussyn) and Murtaza (Shehzad Sheikh), childhood sweethearts and best friends who always wanted to be together.  Ultimately, it was Noor’s career goals which put a stop to their marriage, Murtaza’s family unwilling to wait while all Noor asked was for time to further her own career.  Sure, there were other issues between Murtaza and Noor, Noor’s attitude towards his family not necessarily of the ideal daughter-in-law, but Noor was always willing to work it out.  She simply wanted time.  And time was exactly what Murtaza would not give her, instead marrying the girl of his mother’s choice – Tehniyat (Aiza Awan), Noor’s best friend.

This situation alone would be cause for anyone to lose their minds, their childhood sweetheart and best friend now married and constantly parading as a married couple.  There’s a lot of grief, betrayal and anger involved there and Noor goes through the whole gamut of emotions.  Meanwhile, Tehniyat experiences her own turmoil, feeling like a stranger in her marriage, unwanted and like a third wheel.  Things only get worse when Murtaza begins working for Noor, who is now his boss.  On her part, Noor has always just been obsessed with getting Murtaza back and improving herself to “show him” and so forth.  Her desire to be with Murtaza never ceased, even after getting married.  Murtaza, on his part, also never gave up his soft corner for Noor…..and never showed Tehniyat any real affection whatsoever.  It’s a wonder they managed to have a child.  How did that happen exactly?

Cut to the finale – Tehniyat is lauded as the ideal daughter-in-law, one who has stood by Murtaza through everything and cared for his home as her own.  Did she though?  Or is this just an easy way to give Tehniyat and Murtaza a happy ending?  Noor has now asked Ameer Ahsan (Aijaz Aslam) for a divorce and he agrees.  Ameer never finds out about the lies his daughter peddled to get Noor out of his life – but I guess one has to ask, did it ever really matter?  Was Noor going to stay married to Ameer Ahsan?  Noor approaches Murtaza and tells him she’s getting a divorce – and is now available to marry him.  Hearing this, Murtaza is shocked.  This is brand new, unfounded, surprising information.  It’s not as though Murtaza hasn’t been hanging out with Noor alone, making his wife upset in the process.  Murtaza declares that he loves Tehniyat, the woman who stood by him, and both of them will be there for Noor if she ever needs a shoulder to cry on.  Noor is left alone and goes back to America while Murtaza apologizes to Tehniyat for not expressing his love for her earlier.

The finale is not only bizarre, but it’s also……offensive.  This is a show that has taken its audience for a ride.  What was the message behind this show?  Initially, this show made a great point about working women and their right to flourish in their careers, marriage serving as a hindrance at a time when they should be committed to their profession.  Tehniyat is even shown working and succeeding after marriage, making the audience believe that maybe the point is that success can be achieved at any point in life.  But alas, that is not the case.  The finale leaves the audience stumped, bewildered and, honestly, disgusted at what message we’re left with.  Noor is turned into a villain.  The working woman is, yet again, a vamp, a selfish woman who does not deserve marriage or strong relationships.  She dares to choose herself and her happiness, her career.  Meanwhile, the sacrificing character, Tehniyat, is the hero.  She’s the woman who cooks, runs the household, cares for her husband’s nephew, watches over his mother and sister – and bears their taunts.  She works, but not enough to be a problem for her in-laws.  She deals with her husbands emotional affair with another woman.  She’s the ideal woman.  Or so “Tere Bina Mein Nahi” would have you believe.

But what about Murtaza?  Ultimately, it’s Murtaza who is to blame for this entire situation.  He was unwilling to wait for Noor.  He married her best friend willingly.  He continued to meet Noor, even on his own honeymoon.  He neglected Tehniyat, even after having a child with her.  He is unsupportive towards her career, always focused on his own problems and never lauding her successes.  He’s a man who never showed his wife affection – and yet, in the end, he gets off scott-free by proclaiming his love for the woman who has stood by him through it all.  What is “it all”?  All of his own mistakes?

“Tere Bina Mein Nahi” is a show that was entertaining to watch, sure.  It told an interesting story that left us wondering how it would end (anything would have been better than this ending).  The performances by Sonya Hussyn and Aiza Awan are excellent.  And yet, everything about this show leaves the viewer in disbelief.  This is what happens when a show does not have a clear identity or recognize what it wants to be.  In the end, “Tere Bina Mein Nahi” has left a bad taste in the mouth and it won’t be missed.  This has been a missed opportunity to put out a good message towards career women in a country where many women only work to pass time or until they get married.  Depicting a strong, successful career woman with a family life would have sent a positive message.  Alas, this is what we have been given.  What a disappointment.

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