Pyar Ke Sadqay Episode 27: Washma Takes a Stand for Mehjabeen

“Pyar Ke Sadqay” has taken viewers on a yo-yo of emotions, particularly in the last few episodes.  The web of lies, deceit and manipulation has reached a different level and with Abdullah’s lack of loyalty towards Mehjabeen, viewers have expressed their disapproval.  Fortunately with the latest episode, things do pick up, if only to shine light on backstories and Abdullah’s feelings of uncertainty.  Several scenes stand out in this episode and the entire cast puts forth their best.

In episode 27, Mansoora (Atiqa Odho) has begun to grow suspicious after speaking to both Washma (Srha Asghar) and Abdullah (Bilal Abbas Khan).  Ironically, the children she failed to protect in their youth are now slowly making her realize how badly she has messed with their lives.  Unfortunately for Mansoora, her blind love may be a case of too little, too late, especially after viewers are made aware of Sarwar’s past behavior.  Up until now, we have not really understood how a mother could let her daughter move out of the house at a young age, but Washma lets the truth out while speaking to Mansoora in this episode.  Sarwar had put his sights on Washma and, in order to protect herself from Sarwar (as Mansoora clearly did not take action then), Washma moved out to put distance between them.  This casts Mansoora, once again, in a negative light.  How many lives has she destroyed through her blind love for Sarwar?  How clouded can rose colored glasses possibly be for one to toss aside their own daughter, son, daughter-in-law and faithful worker over the years, all for one man – that too, a man who has always brought out insecurity in her life?  At this point, Mansoora has reached a point of being almost unforgivable…..then she tells Abdullah not to sign the divorce papers.  This is a happy moment for viewers, but looking at it from Mansoora’s point of view, this is yet another self-serving move and not about her son’s happiness at all.  Washma makes it clear that if Abdullah gets divorced, Sarwar’s path to Mehjabeen will be clear and it’s this that Mansoora focuses on.  Mansoora is both a terrible and fascinating character, but regardless of the opinion on her, Atiqa Odho is doing a great job playing her and allowing viewers to see past the exterior into the deeply insecure woman inside.

On the other end, it’s also revealed that Phupo (Sharmeen Ali) and Sarwar had been together and committed when he abandoned her and left her to marry the rich Mansoora.  While Phupo had gone through years of heartbreak, she now sees Sarwar for the master manipulator that he is.  While Sarwar (Omair Rana) and Shanzay (Yashma Gill) continue to plot and plan to rid Abdullah of Mehjabeen, Abdullah vists Mehjabeen to offer his support and the two share a beautiful conversation where Abdullah promises he’ll always support her – but Mehjabeen quickly reminds him that he’s broken his promises before.  Bilal Abbas Khan and Yumna Zaidi have outdone themselves performing these roles and Mehjabeen and Abdullah bring the audience to tears with their unhappiness at being apart.  And while Abdullah is unable to recognize (or simply acknowledge) his diminished interest in Shanzay, it’s clear that he does not want to marry her.  It’s also great to see the naïve Mehjabeen confide in Abdullah that she will now study and get an education so she can be independent (and seek revenge on her father’s wrong-doers).  This is an important message to get out and it’s great to see how Mehjabeen has evolved as a character, though it’s been a (realistically) slow climb.  Of course, now with Mehjabeen expecting, how will the tides turn?

Srha Asghar and Sharmeen Ali have made the characters of Washma and Phupo truly lovable characters.  The credit, of course, must also go to the writing by Zanjabeel Asim Shah as these two roles are strong beacons of light in an otherwise grim scenario.  Despite the grief these two women have been through, they are independent ladies who know what they want and have a clear sense of right and wrong. While it would be great to see Mehjabeen take her “badla” as she expresses wanting to do, Mehjabeen doesn’t seem like that sort of character, so she would need some help.   It’s these two women who audiences are rooting for, hoping they step in to handle Sarwar and protect Mehjabeen.  As of now with Washma caring for Mehjabeen and Mehjabeen’s pregnancy (we won’t discuss how this could have even happened – it’s hard to wrap one’s head around this scenario), it’s clear that Washma will go to bat for Mehjabeen and face off against Sarwar.

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