Meherposh Episode 15: Ayeza Khan’s Portrayal of Mehru is Strong

“Meherposh” is not a show I write about often.  This is not because it’s not a good show.  In fact, it’s actually a great show with some very well-written characters.  No, the problem with “Meherposh” is not with the writing, the story or the acting.  The only problem “Meherposh” really has is with the pace – not only are the first 10 minutes always a repeat of the previous week’s episode, but the proceedings are almost painfully realistic.  It’s almost as though viewers are watching a situation unfold in “real time.”  And while this pace does work for the show itself, it is not conducive to a weekly review as each week would come across as highly repetitive.  However, the story is now progressing forward in an interesting manner.

In episode 15, Naeem (Ali Abbas) has now realized his grave mistake in judging Mehru (Ayeza Khan) and seeks redemption.  When he spots Mehru standing on the street, he approaches her, but Mehru does not care to listen to his excuses and leaves – with Shahjahan (Danish Taimur).  What’s interesting about this scene and translates well is that Naeem may be apologetic, but his nature has not changed.  Naeem is not a character who has pulled a 180 in personality.  Yes, he recognizes his mistake and he is overcome with guilt for what he has done to Mehru’s life.  Yet Naeem is still angry when he spots Mehru with Shahjahan and his jealousy is still raring and ready to go.  While this could be seen as a negative plot point, it’s quite the opposite – it’s realistic and actually “ups” the show a couple of notches.  While Naeem confides in his mother over his interest in making amends, he also speaks to her about his anger towards Shahjahan, which she quickly scolds him for.  Ali Abbas is playing this role well and while he is not, by any means, a “good guy,” the character of Naeem comes across as “real.”  He is identifiable in those around us.


The parallel track here is that of Mehru and Shahjahan’s relationship, or rather, their non-relationship.  While Shahjahan continues to go above and beyond for Mehru in his guilt for his actions and his desire to protect her, Shahjahan’s mother is growing increasingly irritated by Mehru.  Using the word “irritated” is putting it lightly as Shahjahan’s mother is a real piece of work.  She injures her foot doing housework and then, when Mehru stays back with her while Shahjahan gets the doctor, she does not waste any time character assassinating Mehru.  This woman does this several times throughout the episode.  Of course, there has to be additional outside drama, so Auntie does prefer Aayat (Zainab Shabbir) to Mehru and Aayat’s crush on Shahjahan continues to thrive (though who can blame her?).  One almost wonders how a lady like this has a son like Shahjahan?  But Shahjahan’s mother represents “that” part of society, those who blame women for their miseries and treat divorcees like vamps out to steal any man they can get.  It may be irritating to watch, but one can’t deny the existence of such people.

Ayeza Khan deserves a mention in her role as Mehru.  This character has been through a lot, but she has regained her footing, gained her independence and is moving forward in life, not allowing her past to hold her back.  Ayeza is performing well and has made Mehru a very likable character in how she has dealt with situations around her, particularly in her dealings with Naeem (so far).  Danish Taimoor is a solid performer, as always, but takes a backseat in this episode.  At present, Naeem now wants to get Mehru remarried and foot the bill to atone for his sins.  While this idea seems ludicrous, Naeem’s change of heart leaves the doors open for…..what exactly?  Where will the show go from here?  Will Naeem suggest Mehru marry Shahjahan?  And if she does, will that prove his suspicions to be true in his mind?  We know he’s still the same “shakki” character inside, so what good could come of Naeem being involved in Mehru’s life in any way?  Will Naeem be the one to “expose” Shahjahan’s part in the misunderstanding?  However this plays out, “Meherposh” is set for a series of action-packed episodes.

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