4 Amazing Work From Home Tips That Will Help You To Stay Motivated

Work from home was not a common phenomenon until 2020 kicked off with a pandemic. When the new coronavirus outbreak first emerged, people did not find it as hard to adjust to everyday life as they are now. And this is probably because no one imagined the virus to take over our lives for so long! It was back in March when everything shut down in most countries, including offices, cinemas and all non-essential businesses. Now, with the world slowly and gradually opening up as everyone tries to embrace the ‘New Normal’, most work places continue to remain shut and many of us are still working from home. Needless to say, the monotonous routine (sans a much-needed social life!) has gotten to the best of us. Here is a list of tips that will help you to power through and take each working day at a time.



Maintain discipline

Imagine you are in a professional environment and stick to how you would set targets for yourself if you were at office. The most important thing is to pretend you are at work and check-out the 101 house-related problems during the time that you’re busy working. This will help to increase your productivity while also helping you to save your energy for meetings and deadlines. It is also essential to set strict rules, whether that may mean asking for your lunch to be prepared at a certain time, requesting your children to not walk in with matters which can be dealt with later or informing your staff to do all the necessary cleaning and dusting in your new work room during the one-hour slot you assign to them. Have a one-on-one chat with your domestic help once and you’ll be good to go. We’re serious, it really works!


Time your breaks

Sorry to burst your bubble but you’re not on a vacation. The more time you waste, the longer it will take you to get done with your work for the day. While you can do whatever you want over the weekends, make sure to follow a set routine during the week. Take a one-hour lunch break (because your stomach needs to be fed for you to concentrate!) and throw in a 15-minute power nap. After all, when will you ever be able to sleep during office hours again when WFH comes to an end? These breaks will motivate you to work and will not make you brain dead by the end of it. Top tip: Watch an episode of your favourite TV show while eating lunch or play a game with your children. Trust us, you will get back to work feeling rejuvenated!


Video calls all the way!

Who needs friends at school? All children do. Similarly, who needs friends at work? All adults do. It’s true that all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy! If you are one of those who would take mini breaks with your colleagues at work, don’t hesitate to do that from home. A video call is the best way to discuss work politics, gossip, small to big issues and just everything. It often happens that only your work friends will be able to understand how you are feeling about your boss, a scheduled project or meeting because they understand the environment at your work place and will be able to advise you better. Zoom, Bitom and Teams are the best video-calling apps.



Set up an office vibe

It does not matter whether your house is small or big. All you need is a tiny space for a work table and we’re sure you can make place for it. A make-shift office at home is the easiest to set up! Order your stationary staples online or make use of the ones you have lying around at home. A beautifully-scented candle, notebook, pen and laptop is all you need! If you think dressing up will make you feel better and more productive, then go for it. Note: If you have posture problems, make sure to invest in a soft back-pillow too!

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