Sabaat Episode 16: Hassan and Anaya Venture Out on Their Own

“Sabaat” continues to impress viewers with its portrayal of strong relationships.  Whether it’s a loving  marriage between Anaya and Hassan or a supporting bond between Anaya and her parents, this is a show that wins in presenting realistic relationships that viewers can root for.  Episode 16 of “Sabaat” focuses on the importance of making tough decisions in order to work towards a happy future.  While Hassan (Ameer Gilani) and Anaya (Mawra Hocane) have been happy living in Hassan’s family home, Miraal’s (Sarah Khan) presence has made life difficult for them.  Hassan’s mother (Laila Zuberi) discusses the situation with both Hassan and Anaya and it’s decided that the best scenario for the two is to move out of the house and start their lives afresh on their own.  While this decision isn’t an easy one to make, it’s clear that it’s necessary when Hassan brings Anaya home and Hassan and Miraal immediately have an altercation.  While Hassan and Anaya move out, they do not do so happily and it’s not a decision that comes easily for them as Hassan realizes Anaya’s past words are true – he doesn’t have anything without his father.  However, their relationship wins viewers over as always in how the two support each other unconditionally.  While Hassan is disturbed at not being able to provide his new wife with what she deserves and uncertainty at leaving his family, Anaya comes to Hassan’s rescue with her savings to tide them over until they both get a job.  This is a marriage that is a true partnership and it’s refreshing to see this kind of relationship on-screen.  I rave about Mawra Hocane and Ameer Gilani’s performances and chemistry each week and this week isn’t any different.  The two make the audience believe in their relationship and are performing so well, particularly Mawra Hocane who is a natural in this role.

Miraal struggles with Hassan’s decision to move out.  While she initially brushes it off, saying it’s for the better, she quickly realizes that her brother has left her, leaving another scar on her heart.  Miraal is a woman with many internal issues and her desire for love does exist, but has fear of abandonment attached to it.  That fear of abandonment and lack of recognition towards her own mental health is what has caused her to behave terribly – and yet, she expects Hassan to love her and respect her.  One must also take a moment here to point out that Miraal has stopped seeing Dr. Haaris, but has she actually been seeing anyone else?  Miraal has not improved on any level, rather she is getting worse and her fixation on Anaya is reaching dangerous levels.  Sarah Khan is performing wonderfully in this role and looks beautiful.  Usman Mukhtar does not make an appearance this week, but a relationship between Miraal and Dr. Haaris seems ready for takeoff.

Episode 16 is an enjoyable one, mostly because Hassan and Anaya’s life moves forward along with the storyline.  Atif seems poised to create problems for Hassan’s family.  Atif has aligned himself with Miraal as an ally against Anaya (Anaya’s comment about him being a gossip is more accurate than she realizes), hoping to get a job with Miraal in the future.  However, he is also working against Miraal’s company, a fact that is unknown to her (and unknown to Atif himself) and it’s certain that he will play a role in Miraal’s downfall.  For now, the show is riding high with a strong, eventful episode and it will be interesting to see how Miraal handles Hassan’s absence.

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